Club Members

Nowadays, Luarca C.F. has more than 600 members.


  • Familiar
  • Tribuna
  • General
  • Colaboradores
  • Pensionistas
  • Niños
  • Membership schedule

    From Tuesday to Friday from 5 to 9 pm in La Veigona Stadium, by appointment.

    For the purposes of the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, Club informs the interested person that their personal data will not be incorporated into any file. Data will be retained, the time necessary to answer this form and will later be destroyed. The interested part consents that the requested information is sent to the email address provided or, where appropriate, to the private address.

    Sincerely, the management of Luarca C.F.

    © Copyright Luarca CF 2020

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