Luarca is the capital of the council of Valdés, located in the west of Asturias, surrounded by mountains with unique places and the challenging Cantabrian sea that beats in the coast of Valdés with predominant cliffs. This demographic richness makes us enjoy all year round a large territory with great diversity in its landscape, among the highlights, we would like to review: Busto Cape, beaches such as Otur, Cueva, Cadavedo and Barayo and the Esva and Negro rivers.
But it is also important the mountain environment, located a few minutes from the great beaches that we have already named and that allow the visit tomimic an environment of mountains and valleys. Walking its routes and trails we can discover villages, villages with a lot of tradition and a past rich in history, wanting to highlight the Vaqueira Tradition, as a prominent place the village of Aristébano or discovering the nooks and crannies of the Camino de Santiago that runs along the Cantabrian Coast.
Medieval tower that is located in the region of Entrecabos, protected landscape that extends between the capes Vidio and Busto. Defensive in nature, it appears to have been used for military purposes during the Asturian Monarchy. Next to the tower, there is the palace of Villademoros, 18th century, provincial monument. He has been declared of Cultural Interest in the B.O.E. of 1961.
Located within the Esva River in the Valdés council between the Andornoso and Villagermon hills, from the villages of San Pedro de Paredes to La Chanona. It is a gorge excavated by the river that reaches 400 meters of elevation. Having a magnificent native flora and fauna that is also worthy of admiration, it has been declared a natural monument in 2002.
Located in the Vaqueira Region has a circular route between large cliffs and seven viewpoints that allow you to discover the imposing Cantabrian Sea. Starting and ending in the village of Busto, the route passes through agricultural farms, pine forests, oak forests, riverside forest but above all bordering the coast and allowing you to see a panoramic view that includes from Cape Vidio to the lighthouse of Luarca.
We can also find the Cape Busto Lighthouse, whose tower is attached to the north face of the building and is labeled the word ‘Busto’. With a range of 25 nautical miles, it is one of the main references of the west coast.
It is in the Cambaral neighborhood. It is the center of a slate table behind which is a mural made by Goico Aguirre, in memory of the former sailors and sailors who made Luarca one of the most prestigious ports of the Cantabrian slope. Located next to the ancient fortress that protected Luarca from possible invasions, this monumental complex was made dating from 1955-59. Next to the table, there are tiles that represent text and images recreating the beautiful story that is told.
A front plate by the table, narrates the old meetings of the guild of the ‘mareantes’, which were produced on this table to make common decisions.
From this enclave you can see the neighborhood of La Pescadería, the pier of Luarca, the Cambaral neighborhood, and the highlands of El Chano.
Abarca desde la lonja de pescadores hasta el Muelle Nuevo, con unas vistas de las casas típicas de la zona y las lanchas de pescadores. Luarca, pueblo pesquero por excelencia del occidente asturiano, tiene uno de los barrios más característicos de este sector que es el barrio del Cambaral. Durante este recorrido podrás encontrar bares y restaurantes donde comer productos de la zona y poder descansaIt ranges from the fishermen’s lonja to the New Pier, with views of the typical houses of the area and the fishing boats. Luarca, fishing village of the Asturian West, has one of the most characteristic neighborhoods of this sector which is the neighborhood of Cambaral. During this tour you can find bars and restaurants where you can eat local products and rest to contemplate the beautiful views.r para contemplar las preciosas vistas.
At the end of the tour at the New Pier, you will be able to contemplate the spectacular Cantabrian Sea and all its fury in the winter months.
Natural Reserve of Barayo, formed by dunes, marshes and a wild beach of dark sand. Its final part has a low flow river that has the same name.
It is located at the end of Otur road and serves as a natural border between the councils of Navia and Valdés. From Valdés you have access through a path, which is always in good condition and that connects a public parking with the sand.
The sand is composed of two sandy tongues, one which covers the tide and a second that serves as the riverbank of the fresh waters.
It has no lifeguards or fixed establishments; it is a place frequented by naturists and that allows the visitor to spend a day of relax in a unique natural setting.
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